
Michael Jackson's nephew talks about BTS // Sobrino de Michael Jackson habla sobre BTS

Michael Jackson's nephew praised BTS in a recent tweet.

After the release of the teaser video for BTS's new single "Dynamite", Michael Jackson fans noted that the dance moves in the Dynamite teaser were reminiscent of Michael Jackson's iconic dance moves.

Michael Jackson's nephew Taj Jackson tweeted: "I have a couple of friends who got to know the BTS guys, and I have heard nothing but incredible things about them, their hard work ethic and being so nice. I wish them all the success in the world. They deserve it"

El sobrino de Michael Jackson elogió a BTS en un reciente tweet.

Después de la publicación del video teaser del nuevo single de BTS "Dynamite" fans de Michael Jackson apuntaron que los movimientos de baile en el teaser de Dynamite eran reminiscentes de los de icónicos movimientos de baile de Michael Jackson.

El sobrino de Michael Jackson, Taj Jackson, tuiteó: "Tengo algunos amigos que han conocido a BTS, y no he escuchado nada excepto increíble cosas sobre ellos, su ética de trabajo duro y ellos siendo muy amables. Les deseo todo el éxito del mundo. Ellos lo merecen."

Michael Jackson's nephew tweet's capture: I have a couple of friends who got to know the BTS guys, and I have heard nothing but incredible things about them, their hard work ethic and being so nice. I wish them all the success in the world. They deserve it

↝ #Witness Accounts / Avistamientos
(Usually when netizens stumble upon celebrities they write about their impressions in online communities. Some accounts have proof, some do not.
Usualmente cuando netizens se encuentran fortuitamente con celebridades escriben sobre sus impresiones en comunidades online. Algunos relatos tienen pruebas, otros no.)

(How BTS members are in real life? What are the BTS personalities in real life? How are they behind the scenes / off camara? Series of excerpts from interviews with BTS members and words of people close to them or have worked with BTS
Cómo es BTS en la vida real? Cómo son las verdaderas personalidades de BTS en la vida real? Cómo son detrás de cámaras? Serie de extractos de entrevistas a los miembros de BTS y palabras de la gente cercana a ellos o ha trabajado con BTS.