
Where does BTS live? // ¿En dónde vive BTS?

 ¿En dónde vive BTS? Las casas de BTS

Durante su debut en 2013 los miembros de BTS solían vivir los 7 en una pequeña habitación
 en un apartamento de 17 pyeongs.

Where does BTS live? BTS apartments

During their debut in 2013, BTS members used to live all 7 in a small room  in an 17 pyeongs apartment. As the years have passed, they have moved to more spacious places until  the present time where their agency rents a dorm for them in one of the most luxurious areas of Korea, Hannam The Hill.

A medida que han pasado los años, ellos se han ido mudando a lugares más espaciosos hasta llegar a la actualidad donde su agencia alquila un dormitorio para ellos en una de las zonas mas lujosas de Corea,  Hannam The Hill. 

bts dorms location


Los periodistas coreanos utilizan copias del registro de bienes raíces para informar sobre compras de casas, apartamentos y edificios por parte de celebridades. Se puede decir que una copia del registro de bienes raíces utilizado por los medios de comunicación de Corea para la cobertura de las noticias es una especie de 'identificación de la casa' que  permite ver el historial de propiedad y contratos de bienes raíces como casas y edificios de un vistazo. Incluso si no eres propietario, cualquier persona puede buscar la dirección de una casa pagando 700 wones en la oficina del registro de Internet de la corte.  Este es un sistema diseñado para prevenir el fraude inmobiliario para inquilinos o personas que quieran comprar una casa.

Korean journalists use real estate register copies to report purchases of houses, apartments and buildings by celebrities. A copy of the real estate register used by the Korea media for coverage can be said to be a kind of 'house ID' that allows you to see the ownership and contract history of real estate such as houses and buildings at a glance. Even if you are not a landlord, anyone can search for your home address by paying 700 won at the court internet registry office. This is a system designed to prevent real estate fraud for tenants or people who want to buy a house.

La agencia de BTS alquiló un apartamento de 70 pyeongs (240 ㎡) en el tercer piso  del edificio 10X en HannamTheHill desde el 1 de diciembre de 2017 hasta el 31 de noviembre de 2019 bajo la condición jeonse con un depósito de 4 mil millones de wones. En 2018 este apartamento fue presentado como el dormitorio de BTS en el show Bon Voyage Season 3.

from December 1, 2017 to November 31, 2019 under the jeonse condition with a deposit of 4 billion won. In 2018 this apartment was featured as BTS's dormitory on the show 'Bon Voyage Season 3'.

BTS dorm rooms

Similar apartments:

En mayo del 2019, seis meses antes de la expiración del primer contrato de alquiler (jeonse) Big Hit Entertainment alquiló (jeonse) con un depósito de 4.5 mil millones de wones otro apartamento en el segundo piso justo debajo del dormitorio de BTS desde el 30 de mayo 2019 al 30 de mayo de 2021.  El director ejecutivo de Samsung Electronics, Koh Dong-jin, compró este lugar por 6.600 millones de wones en febrero de 2019.  El contrato de  alquiler con el sistema Jeonse es por 2 años con un depósito de 45 mil millones de wones.  El apartamento tiene la misma área que el dormitorio BTS (233.128㎡, 70.52 pyeong) y un balcón (7.102㎡, 2.15 pyeong).  

In May 2019, six months before the expiration of the first rental contract (jeonse) Big Hit Entertainment rented (jeonse) with a deposit of 4.5 billion won another apartment on the second floor just below BTS's dorm from May 30, 2019 to May 30, 2021. Samsung Electronics CEO Koh Dong-jin purchased this place for 6.6 billion won in February 2019. The rental contract (Jeonse system) is for 2 years with a deposit 45 billion won.  The apartment has the same area as the BTS dorm (233.128㎡, 70.52 pyeong) and a balcony (7.102㎡, 2.15 pyeong).  

Similar apartments:

BTS' dorm. 2017 - 2019 (HannamTheHill)

Durante 2017 - 2019 la habitación principal fue compartida por Jimin y J-Hope.

 Jin, Suga, Jungkook, V y RM tenían  habitaciones individuales para cada uno.

During 2017 - 2019 the main room was shared by Jimin and J-Hope. 

Jin, Suga, V, Jungkook and RM had single rooms for each. 

En 2018 en una entrevista Jungkook y V dijeron que hicieron habitaciones personales separando un espacio del living room. 
Jungkook dijo que la habitación de J-Hope y Jimin está al frente de su habitación y la de Taehyung detrás de su habitación.

In a 2018 interview, Jungkook and V said that they made individual rooms by separating a space from the living room.
Jungkook said that J-Hope and Jimin's room is front to his room and Taehyung's room is behind his room.

captures from bon voyage. jungkook's room 정국 하남더힐
Jungkook going to Jimin and J-Hope room  in their room at their dorm in Hannam The Hill

bts taehyung aka v room

BTS Jimin and J-Hope in BTS dorm HannamTheHill

Jimin jhope room

jimin jhope room hannam the hill

Jimin closet in BTS dorm Hannam The Hill

screenshots from RM in his room at Hannam The Hill

RM dorm in BTS dorm Hannam The Hill

RM's room. Hannam The Hill

Room in HannamTheHill similar to RM's room

Walk in closet  in Hannam The Hill similar to RM closet in his room

Jin room in Hannam The Hill

BTS Suga room in BTS house HannamTheHill

La habitación con baño
The bedroom with bathroom

Office / Oficina

extra room / office in hannam the hill unit

Bathrooms in apartment similar to BTS dorm at Hannam The Hill. Baños en apartamento similar al de BTS


" J-Hope:

"Qué hiciste hoy"?

Creo que he tenido un día bastante completo. Fui al baño a primera hora de la mañana. Me ocupé de muchos asuntos en el baño, como bañarme. Luego fui a la casa de mis padres por la mañana. Hablé con mis padres. Creo que pasé casi todo el día
con mi familia hoy. Hablamos entre nosotros. Jugué con mi cachorro. No creo que haya pasado suficiente tiempo con mi familia. Para este cumpleaños, tuve un tiempo de calidad con mi familia. Cenamos juntos. Apagué las velas. Así pasé el día hoy. Hay muchas cosas que organizar en el estudio.

Desde que me tomé un descanso. Pasaron una variedad de cosas. Para organizar mi estudio, para comenzar mi agenda con mucha energía, y para terminar el día, vine aquí para hacer V LIVE después de pasar tiempo con mi familia.

¿Regalo de cumpleaños?
En cuanto al regalo de cumpleaños, mi familia me dio una buena comida. De mi madre. Fue tan agradable tener una comida casera. Nuestros miembros siempre recuerdan mi cumpleaños. Yo estaba realmente sorprendido. ¿Fue ayer? Anoche, 1 hora antes de mi cumpleaños. A las 11 pm anoche, recibí una llamada de Jin. Le pregunté qué estaba pasando. Él dijo: "¡J-Hope! Te llamé para desearle un feliz cumpleaños". Dije: "¿En serio? Esto es una sorpresa. Me deseas un feliz cumpleaños 1 hora antes". Creo que tomó una copa con su amigo cercano.
Sonaba un poco borracho. "Te llamé con anticipación porque creo que me quedaré dormida pronto. ¡J-Hope"! Entonces dije: "Muchas gracias, Jin". "Descansa un poco". Entonces Jin dijo: "¡J-Hope! Te preparé un regalo ". Le di una bonita bolsa a Jin en su cumpleaños. La bolsa era un poco llamativa. Hay algunas cosas pegadas al exterior. Era mi tipo de bolso. Me preguntó: "¡J-Hope! ¿Puedo cortar esto"? Pero esa es la belleza de ese bolso. Entonces le di la bolsa. Y me dijo que esta vez me preparó un regalo, así que me sentí ansioso. ¿Qué tipo de regalo me daría? Me he estado sintiendo ansioso. De todos modos, Jin me llamó primero para desearme feliz cumpleaños.
Nuestros miembros me llamaro.  Fue muy agradable. Me alegré tanto de que los primeros que me enviaron saludos de cumpleaños fueron nuestros miembros. Hemos trabajado juntos durante mucho tiempo y merece la pena. "


" J-Hope:

"What did you do today"?

I think I've had a pretty full day. I went to the bathroom first thing in the morning. I took care of a lot of business in the bathroom, like washing up. Then I went to my parents' house in the morning. I talked with my parents. I think I spent almost all day 
with my family today. We talked with each other. I played with my puppy. I don't think I've spent enough time with my family. For this birthday, I had some quality time with my family. We dined out together. I blew out the candles. That's how I spent a day today. There are lots of things to be organized in the studio. 

Since I took a break. A variety of things happened. To organize my studio, 
to start my schedule with lots of energy, and to wrap up the day, I came here to do V LIVE
after spending time with my family.

Birthday present?
As for birthday present, I got a hearty meal from my family. From my mother. It was so nice to have a home-cooked meal. Our members always remembers my birthday. I was really surprised. Was it yesterday? Last night, 1 hour before my birthday. At 11 PM last night, 
I got a call from Jin. 
I asked him what was going on. He said, "J-Hope! I called you to wish you a happy birthday". I said, "Really? This is a surprise. 
You wish me a happy birthday 1 hour early".
I think he had a drink with his close friend.
He sounded a little tipsy. "I called you in advance because I think  I'll fall asleep soon. J-Hope"! So I said, "Thank you so much, Jin". "Have some rest". Then Jin said, "J-Hope! 
I prepared a gift for you". I gave a nice bag to Jin on his birthday. The bag was kind of flashy. There are some things 
attached to the outside. It was my kind of bag. He asked me, "J-Hope! Can I cut this away"? But that's the beauty of that bag. So I gave him the bag. And he told me he prepared a gift for me this time, so I felt anxious. What kind of gift would he get me?
I've been feeling anxious. Anyways, Jin called me first to wish me happy birthday.
Our members called me.It was really nice. I was so glad that the first ones who sent me 
birthday greetings were our members. We've worked together for a long time, and it's worth it. "


"Tuvimos un descanso entre álbumes. ¿Puedo llamarlo un hiato? De todos modos, lel hiato fue más largo de lo habitual. A medida que la pausa se hizo más larga... Durante la pausa, siempre hacemos algo. Esta vez, trabajamos en canciones, practicamos la coreografía y cada miembro disfrutó de un poco de tiempo libre.

Normalmente me acuesto alrededor de las 6:30 AM. ¿Alrededor de las 6 en punto? No sé por qué. Puedo dormir antes de eso. Pero me quedo despierto hasta las 6 de la mañana... Creo que hago muchas cosas antes de dormir. Normalmente me siento aquí. Me siento aquí, después de tomar una ducha, juego, leo cosas en mi teléfono. Solo me siento aquí. Por ejemplo, este es mi teléfono. Leo cosas como esta en el teléfono. Esto sucedió hace unos días. Hablé de eso con Jungkook. Estaba usando mi teléfono y eran las 2 AM. Pensé que dormiría mientras leía cosas en el teléfono. Terminé de usar el teléfono y me acosté en la cama. Eran las 5 de la mañana. Alrededor de las 5 de la mañana. Es decir, me tomó 3 horas moverme de aquí para allá. Esto me pasa mucho. Por eso no puedo dormir temprano. Hoseok me regaña por eso. 

En el dormitorio, cuando leo cosas en el teléfono frente al baño, Hoseok me dice que me vaya a la cama. Luego, me levanto, me lavo los dientes y me acuesto. A veces me gusta eso. Aún así, Hoseok no me regaña con menos frecuencia. Organice mi habitación para recibir un elogio de él. Limpié mi habitación y dije: "Tomó 2 horas" cuando entró. 

Cuando entró, le dije: "Echa un vistazo". Lo hizo y dijo: "Wow". Limpié para escuchar cumplidos. Si alguien que nunca limpia cambia... Bueno, no lo malinterpreten. Organizo las cosas de vez en cuando. Lo hago, pero no soy bueno en eso. No me malinterpreten.

La razón por la que Hoseok me regañó fue ... Entré en la habitación... El problema es que amontono las cosas. Hay un escritorio en mi habitación. Lo compré para mi computadora. Planeé instalar mi computadora. Pero rara vez uso mi computadora. Porque Hoseok se va a la cama. Hoseok lleva la vida más regular entre nosotros. Mantiene sus propias reglas y horarios todo el tiempo. Se acuesta y duerme para estar en las mejores condiciones. 

Me acuesto alrededor de las 6 de la mañana. No puedo jugar juegos en la habitación. Porque él está durmiendo. Siempre dice que está bien, pero puedo despertarlo. Entonces no uso la computadora en la habitación. De todos modos, tengo un escritorio para ese propósito. Digamos que hoy llevo gafas de sol. Pongo mi ropa en el armario. Pongo atuendos que usé en la bolsa de lavandería. Pongo bien los abrigos en mi armario. Pero dejo mis pertenencias como auriculares, gafas de sol, cajas de reparto. Hago una pila de ellos. Bolígrafos, fotografías que tomé.
Dejo esas cosas en el escritorio. Las dejo en el escritorio pensando que volveré a usarlas. Así que hago muchas pilas y él me regaña por eso.

Me alegro de compartir la habitación con Hoseok. Me regaña mucho pero no me ha regañado estos días. Necesito limpiar la habitación cuando esté de regreso en Corea. Hice muchas pilas antes de venir a Japón. Debido a esto, Hoseok me dijo que limpiara mi habitación.

"¿No quieres usar una habitación solo?" Creo que es mejor compartir habitación. Todo el mundo tiene algo de tiempo para estar solo. Pero me gusta estar juntos. Quiero hablar juntos después de un día. No sentirme solo. Necesito a alguien con quien hablar. Si usas una habitación solo después de compartirla con otra persona, te sientes solo. Me gusta compartir habitación con él."

"We had a break between albums. Can I call it a hiatus? Anyways, the break was longer than usual.  As the break became longer... During the break, we always do something.  This time, we worked on songs, practiced the choreography, and each member enjoyed some free time.

I usually go to bed around 6:30 AM. Around 6 o'clock? I don't know why. I can sleep before then. But I stay up until 6 AM... I think I do a lot of things before sleeping. I usually sit down here. I sit here, after taking a shower, I play games, read things on my phone. I just sit here. For example, this is my phone. I read things on the phone like this. This happened a few days ago. I talked about it with Jungkook. I was using my phone and it was 2 AM. I thought I would sleep while reading things on the phone. I finished using the phone and lied down on the bed. It was 5 AM. Around 5 AM. It means, it took 3 hours for me to move from here to there. This happens a lot to me. That's why I can't sleep early. Hoseok scolds me for that. At the dorm, when I read things on the phone in front of bathroom, Hoseok tells me to go to bed. Then, I get up, brush my teeth and go to bed. I sometimes do like that. Still, Hoseok doesn't scold me less frequently. I organized my room to get a praise from him. I cleaned my room up and said, "It took 2 hours" when he came in. When he came in, I said, "Take a look around". He did and said, "Wow". I cleaned it up to hear compliments. If someone who never cleans up changes...Well, don't misunderstand. I do organize things from time to time. I do, but I'm not good at it. Don't misunderstand me.

The reason why Hoseok scolded me was.. I entered the room... The problem is that I pile things up. There's a desk in my room. I bought it to put my computer on. I planned to install my computer. But I rarely use my computer. Because Hoseok goes to bed 
on a regular basis.Hoseok lives the most regular life among us. He keeps his own rules and schedules all the time. He goes to bed and sleeps to have the best condition. So, he turns in between the midnight and 1 AM. 

I go to bed around 6 AM. I can't play games in the room. Because he's sleeping.
He always says okay but I may wake him up. So I don't use the computer in the room. Anyways, I have a desk for that purpose. Let's say I wear sunglasses today. Then, I put my clothes in the closet. I put outfits I wore
into the laundry bag. I put coats in my closet well. But I leave my belongings. Like earphones, sunglasses, delivery boxes. I make a stack of them. Pens, pictures I took.
I leave such things on the desk. I leave them on the desk thinking I would use it again. So it made a lot of stacks and he scolded me for that.

I'm glad that I share the room with Hoseok. He scolds me a lot but I haven't been scolded these days. I haven't been scolded these days. I need to clean the room up gain, when I'm back in Korea.I made a lot of piles before coming to Japan. Because of this, Hoseok told me to clean up my room.

"Don't you want to use a room alone?" I think it's better to share a room together. Everybody has some time  to spend alone. But I like being together. I want to talk about together after having a day. It doesn't feel lonely. I need someone to talk. If you use a room alone after sharing it with another, it will feel lonely. I like sharing a room with him."



RM sube una foto en Hannam The Hill 
RM uploads a photo at Hannam The Hill




"Estuve pensando en tener un perro como medio año...Estaba pensando en eso, pero pensé que mi entorno no era bueno para tener un perro.

Pero finalmente lo traje. Estudié sobre perros durante unos 6 meses y luego traje a Tan.

Cuando estaba adoptando a Tan, vi a este perro especial y único y me fascinó.

Cuando lo traía a vivir conmigo, me dio una primera impresión tan fuerte.

Entonces, después de que lo traje a mi casa, ahora, mi mamá y mi papá lo están cuidando todos los días. Mi mamá y mi papá lo están cuidando ahora. Al principio, era su padre, pero ahora soy su hermano mayor. Tan es mi hermano pequeño.

Entonces, cuando estoy en Corea quiero pasar más tiempo con él. Así que a veces lo llevo al dormitorio o al estudio de baile."

"I was thinking about having a dog for like a half a year...
I was just thinking about it but I thought my environment was not good for keeping a dog.

But I brought him eventually. I studied about dogs for like 6 months and then brought Tan.

When I was adopting Tan, I saw this special and unique dog and was just fascinated by him.

So when I was bringing him to live with me, he gave me such a strong first impression.

So after I brought him to my home, now, my mom and dad are taking care of him everyday. My mom and dad are taking care of him now. At first, I was his dad, but now, I'm his big brother. Tan is my little brother.

So, when I stay in Korea I want to spend more time with him. So I sometimes bring him to the dorm or dance studio."

BTS' dorm. 
2019 - 2021 

Suga room in Hannam The Hill

BTS Kitchen in BTS dorm HannamTheHill

Jungkook in Jimin and J-Hope room at BTS dorm in Hannam The Hill. Images from Life Goes On music video.

BTS Life Goes On MV directed by Jungkook screenshots behind the scenes

BTS dorm at Hannam The Hill filmed in 190916 2019.09.16

hannam the hill bts

Además de su dormitorio oficial, los miembros han estado comprando apartamentos en los últimos años.
In addition to their official dorm, members have been buying apartments in recent years. 


En marzo del 2018, Jin compró un apartamento de 26 pyeongs (57 m2) por 1.7 millones de dólares (1,9 mil millones de wones) en el cuarto piso del edificio 1XX en Hannam The Hill, el mismo complejo residencial en donde el dormitorio de BTS está localizado. El apartamento de Jin estaba localizado en un edificio diferente del dormitorio de BTS. Jin vendió este apartamento en enero de 2019.

In march 2018, Jin bought a 26 pyeong (57 m2) apartment for 1.7 million dollars (1.9 billion won) on the fourth floor of the 1XX building in Hannam The Hill, the same residential complex where BTS's dorm it's located. Jin's apartment was located in a different building from BTS' dorm. Jin sold this apartment in January 2019.

Jin alquiló (sistema jeonse) un apartamento de 70 pyeongs con 3,1 mil millones de wones como depósito en el tercer piso de un edificio al noroeste en Hannam The Hill desde enero 2019 hasta enero 2021. Es un edificio diferente al dormitorio de BTS y al apartamento que Jin compró en marzo del 2018.

 Jin rented (jeonse system) a 70 pyeong apartment with 3.1 billion won as a deposit on the third floor in Hannam The Hill from January 2019 to January 2021. It's a different building from BTS's dorm and the apartment that Jin bought in March 2018.

Jin compró un apartamento de 70 pyeongs (233 m2) en el edificio 1XX en Hannam The Hill en julio 2019 por 4.49 mil millones de wones. Este apartamento estâ ubicado en un edificio diferente al edificio donde está ubicado el dormitorio de BTS.

Jin bought a 70 pyeong (233 m2) apartment in the 1XX building in Hannam The Hill in July 2019 for 4.49 billion won.
This apartment is located in a different building from BTS' dorm.

En octubre de 2019 Jin compró otro apartamento de 62 pyeongs (206 m2) en Hannam The Hill para sus padres por 3.7 millones de dólares. Este apartamento estâ ubicado en un edificio diferente al edificio donde está ubicado el dormitorio de BTS.

In October 2019 he bought another 62 pyeongs (206 m2) for his parents for $3.7 million in HannamTheHill. This apartment is located in a different building from BTS' dorm.


En noviembre 2019 RM compró un apartamento en HannamTheHill. El apartamento de RM está localizado en un edificio diferente del de dormitorio de BTS.

In November 2019 RM purchased an apartment at HannamTheHill. RM's apartment is located in a different building from BTS's dorm.


En agosto de 2018, Suga compró un lujoso apartamento de 73 pyeongs en UN Village, a 500m del dormitorio de BTS por 3.400 millones de wones.

In August 2018 Suga purchased a luxury 73-pyeongs apartment in the UN Village 500m away from BTS dorm for 3.4 billion won.


En julio de 2016, J-Hope compró un apartamento en el lujoso "Seoul Forest Trimage”. El apartamento tiene 3 habitaciones y 2 baños y tienen un área exclusiva de 84,81 m2 (aproximadamente 25 pyeong) y un área de suministro de 124,8 m2 (aproximadamente 37 pyeong).

Este apartamento fue dicho ser para su familia. Leeteuk de Super Junior, quien también vive en Trimage ha hablado sobre sus encuentros con la familia de J-Hope en el edificio.

In July 2016, J-Hope bought a  apartment in the luxurious "Seoul Forest Trimage". The apartment have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathroom and have an exclusive area of ​​84.81 m2 (about 25 pyeong) and a supply area of ​​124.8 m2 (about 37 pyeong).

This apartment was said to be for his family. Super Junior's Leeteuk, who also lives in Trimage has talked about his encounters with J-Hope's family in the building.

En octubre de 2018 J-Hope compró otro apartamento en un diferente edificio de Trimage (Trimage está conformado por 4 edificios), esta vez de 152,15 m2 (aproximadamente 46 pyeong) y un área de suministro de 204,49 m2 (aproximadamente 61 pyeong) por 3.3 millones de dólares. 

In October 2018, J-Hope bought another apartment in a different Trimage building, this time of ​​152.15 m2 (about 46 pyeong) and a supply area of ​​204.49 m2 (about 61 pyeong)
 for 3.3 million dollars


El mismo día que J-Hope compró su segundo apartamento en Trimage, Jungkook compró un apartamento de 21 pyeong (69.72 m²) por 1.7 millones de dólares en Trimage, en el mismo edificio y piso que J-Hope. El apartamento de Jungkook sólo posee una habitación.

The same day J-Hope bought his second apartment in Trimage Jungkook bought a 21 pyeong (69.72 m²) apartment  for 1.7 million dollars in Trimage, in the same building and floor as J-Hope. Jungkook's apartment only has one bedroom.

Un apartamento similar al de Jungkook en Trimage:

An apartment similar to Jungkook in Trimage:

En realidad, un amigo de Busan del hermano de Jungkook subió fotos en Trimage a Instagram  y al ser un apartamento tan lujoso y difícil de comprar netizens el 5 de enero 2019 aseguraron el apartamento en Trimage era de Jungkook. 

Actually, a friend from Busan of Jungkook's brother uploaded photos in Trimage on instagram, and being such a luxurious apartment and difficult to buy netizens on January 5, 2019 said the Trimage apartment was Jungkook's. 

El hermano de Jungkook posteó esta foto en Instagram el 1 de enero de 2019:

Jungkook's brother posted this photo on Instagram on January 1, 2019:

Netizens dijeron el 22 enero que ese fue el menú servido en Trimage y especularon que Jungkook estaba viviendo con su hermano en Trimage.

Netizens said on January 22 that this was the menu served at Trimage and speculated that Jungkook was living with his brother in Trimage.

El 28 de enero de 2019 la prensa coreana publicó la noticia sobre la compra del apartamento de Jungkook en Trimage.

On January 28, 2019, the Korean press published the news about the purchase of Jungkook's apartment in Trimage.

Durante Bon Voyage Season 4, Jungkook dijo que durante su mes de vacaciones sólo vio a Jimin y J-Hope. El cumpleaños de Jungkook pasó durante las vacaciones y los únicos miembros en su fiesta de cumpleaños fueron J-Hope y Jimin.

Es posible que Jungkook estuviese ese día en su apartamento de Trimage, y J-Hope, al ser su vecino, pudo estar en su cumpleaños. 

During Bon Voyage Season 4, Jungkook said that during their break month he only saw Jimin and J-Hope. 
Jungkook's birthday was during BTS break and the only ones members at his birthday party were J-Hope and Jimin. It is likely that Jungkook was in his Trimage apartment that day, and J-Hope, being his neighbor, could have been on his birthday.

Jungkook: During our break i didn't see anyone except for Jimin and J-Hope.

Jhope: I saw Jimin and Jungkook a few times

Jungkook dejó su autógrafo en el centro comunitario de Seungsudong, donde Trimage se encuentra localizado.

Jungkook left his autograph at the Seungsudong community service center, where Trimage is located.


Jimin compró un apartamento (140,33㎡, 42,44 pyeong) en el complejo Banpo Jugong 1 en Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, por 4.080 millones de wones (3,4 millones de dólares) en noviembre de 2018. El apartamento que compró Jimin está justo enfrente del Río Han, por lo que se sabe que hay una vista del río Han.  En particular, Banpo Jugong Complex 1 es un complejo de apartamentos de reconstrucción representativo en Seúl, con un costo total del proyecto de aproximadamente 10 billones de wones, también conocida como la reconstrucción más grande desde Dangun.

 Jimin  purchased an apartment (140.33㎡, 42.44 pyeong) in Banpo Jugong 1 Complex in Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, for 4.08 billion won (3.4 million dollars) in November 2018. The apartment that Jimin bought is right in front of the Han River, so it is known that there is a view of the Han River. In particular, Banpo Jugong Complex 1 is a representative reconstruction apartment complex in Seoul, with a total project cost of about 10 trillion won, which is also called the largest reconstruction since Dangun.


Taehyung compró un apartamento de en Apelbaum  en Gangnam en julio de 2019 por 4.3 millones de dólares

 Taehyung bought an apartment in Apelbaum in Gangnam in July 2019 for 4.3 million dollars.
Videos de referencia del apartamento:
Reference videos of the apartment:

BTS V family house in Apelbaum

BTS Taehyung family apartment in Apelbaum Gangnam Korea. La casa de la familia de V en Corea

Fotos compartidas por Taehyung:

Taehyung hizo el "Reto Quédate en casa" en esta casa.

Taehyung did the "Stay-At-Home Challenge  in this apartment.

Weverse 2020 01.14

Taehyung dijo que tomó unas copas con su familia
y subió fotos de su casa. Le pidió a Jungkook y Jin mirar quienes estaban online y activos en el app cómo lucía su perro después de ser acicalado y subió una foto para que ellos vieran.

Taehyung said he had a glass with his family and uploaded photos of his home. Taehyung asked Jungkook and Jin who were online and active in the app to see what his dog looked like after being groomed and uploaded a photo for them to see.

Weverse 2020.02.18

Taehyung dice que está con su papá, fans le dicen que tome fotos de su perro y le muestran un ejemplo y Taehyung pide que esperen un segundo y sube las fotos de su perro en esa casa.

Taehyung says he's with his dad, fans tell him to take pictures of his dog and they show him an example, and Taehyung asks them to wait a second and he uploaded the pictures of his dog in that house.

BTS V house in apelbaum view

Actualización / update: 

2019 / 2020

Marzo 2020

Un residente de Hannam-dong dijo: “Vi a los miembros de BTS por casualidad el año pasado.  Todos los miembros fueron educados y tenían una bonita sonrisa, así que hubo un momento en el que me conmovió el trato amable hacia los fans.  Me sorprendió que los miembros firmaran autógrafos y tomaran fotografías ".
 Un empleado de una tienda cercana dijo: "No lo he visto últimamente, pero vi al miembro de BTS Jin el año pasado. Compró bebidas y bocadillos. Era guapo y tenía una personalidad brillante y parecía una buena persona".

March 2020

A resident of Hannam-dong said, “I met BTS members by chance last year. All the members were polite and had a pretty smiles, so there was a time when I was touched by the kind fan service. I was surprised that the members signed autographs and took pictures."
A nearby convenience store clerk said, "I haven't seen him lately, but I saw BTS member Jin last year. He bought drinks and snacks. He was handsome and had a bright personality and seemed like a good person."


En abril de 2020 fue especulado en comunidades online coreanas que Jungkook estaba viviendo en Itaewon basados en el lugar de votación. Netizens especulan que Jungkook vive en el nuevo lujoso complejo de apartamentos Nine One Hannam debido a que otras celebridades que vivían en Nine One Hannam votaban en el mismo lugar como Jungkook.

In April 2020 Korean online communities speculated that Jungkook was living in Itaewon based on his polling place. Netizens speculate that Jungkook lives in the new high-security luxurious apartment complex Nine One Hannam  because other celebrities living in Nine One Hannam vote in the same place as Jungkook.

Para el álbum de BTS "BE" publicado en 2020, los miembros estuvieron a cargo de cada aspecto del álbum, incluidas las fotos conceptuales del álbum. Los miembros de BTS eligieron mostrar un lado natural y sincero ya que el concepto era la vida diaria. Para las fotos del album cada miembro de BTS decoró una habitación a su propio estilo.

For BTS's album "BE" released in 2020, the members were in charge of every aspect of the album, including the concept photos for the album. The BTS members chose to show a natural and sincere side as the concept was daily life. For the photos in the album, each member decorated a room in their own style.

Septiembre 2020. Se corre el rumor en comunidades online coreanas que un miembro de BTS firmó un contrato para penthouse en complejo residencial "H"

September 2020. It is rumored in Korean online communities that a member of BTS signed a contract for a penthouse in Condominium complex "H".

En octubre 2020 fue reportado por la prensa  coreana que Jungkook había vendido el apartamento en Trimage en julio de 2020.

In October 2020 it was reported by the Korean press that Jungkook had sold the apartment in Trimage in July 2020.

En enero de 2021 fue hecho público por la prensa coreana que Jungkook había comprado una casa en Itaewon en noviembre de 2020. La casa estaba siendo alquilada antes de que  Jungkook la comprara  y el contrato de alquiler vence en septiembre 2021. La casa que BTS Jungkook es una casa de dos pisos con una superficie total de 230,74 metros cuadrados (unos 70 pyeong) y un terreno de 637 metros cuadrados (unos 193 pyeong), y el precio de compra fue de 7,63 mil millones de wones. Construida en 1976, la casa está a 2,5 km de Hannam The Hill.

In January 2021 it was made public by the Korean press that Jungkook had bought a house in Itaewon in November 2020.
The house was being rented before Jungkook bought it and the rental contract expires in September 2021The house that BTS Jungkook bough is a two-story house with a total floor area of ​​230.74 square meters (about 70 pyeong) and a land area of ​​637 square meters (about 193 pyeong), and the purchase price was 7.63 billion won. Built in 1976, the house is 2.5km away from Hannam The Hill. 

El 4 de enero de 2021, cuando Etoday reportó sobre la noticia de la compra de la casa de Jungkook en Itaewon, la noticia originalmente reportó que la casa quedaba sólo a 5 minutos del dormitorio de BTS en el
 complejo residencial NineOne Hannam. Un par de horas más tarde la noticia fue corregida  de "Nineone Hannam" a "HannamTheHill".

On January 4, 2021, when Etoday reported on the news about the purchase of Jungkook's house in Itaewon, the news originally reported that the house was only 5 minutes from BTS' dorm in the
residential complex NineOne Hannam. A couple of hours later the news was corrected and instead of Nineone Hannam it said that the house was 10 minutes from BTS' dorm at HannamTheHill.

En el registro está escrito que la dirección de Jungkook es Nine One Hannam. El youtuber especula que Nine One Hannam debe ser el nuevo dormitorio de BTS. 

 In the register it is written that Jungkook's address is Nine One Hannam.  The youtuber speculates that Nine One Hannam must be BTS' new dorm.

"Llegada a casa. Fin"


Mayo 2021:  La prensa coreana informó el día 25 de mayo de 2021 que el apartamento en el edificio 124 en Hannam The Hill de RM, se vendió el 5 de marzo de 2021. Según una copia certificada del registro obtenida por Sky Daily, RM compró la propiedad en Hannam The Hill (área exclusiva 232.062m²) por 4.9 mil millones de wones el 13 de noviembre de 2019. Después de eso, vendió la casa por 5.8 mil millones de wones en aproximadamente un año. El momento de la transferencia de propiedad se anunció el 20 de mayo de 2021. 

May 2021. Korea media reported on May 25th, 2021 that RM apartment in the 124 building in Hannam The Hill was sold on March 5, 2021.  According to a certified copy of the register obtained by Sky Daily, RM purchased the property in Hannam The Hill (exclusive area 232,062m²) for 4.9 billion won on November 13, 2019. After that, he sold the house for 5.8 billion won in about a year. The timing of the transfer of ownership was announced on May 20, 2021.

El 30 de mayo de 2021 terminó el contrato del dormitorio de BTS en Hannam The Hill

On May 30, 2021, the contract rental period for BTS's dorm at Hannam The Hill ended.

Junio 2021. La prensa coreana hace público que RM y Jimin compraron apartamentos en Nine One Hannam.

June 2021. The Korean press reports that RM and Jimin bought apartments at Nine One Hannam.

Agosto 2021 

August 2021

- Para darle un poco de TMI, mi padre y el padre de RM son mejores amigos.
- Son bastante cercanos
- Los dos.  Los dos.. Se encuentran tan a menudo como yo me encuentro con RM. Estamos juntos unos 360 días al año.  Y creo que ese también es el caso de nuestros padres.
- ¿Cómo llegaron a ser tan cercanos?  Son parecidos?
- Solían vivir al lado.
- Sí.
- Sí.  - Vecinos.
- Eran vecinos.
- En su generación...
- En ese entonces, cuando íbamos de regreso a nuestro dormitorio, mi madre y tu madre estarían dando paseos.  Ella diría, "Hola Jin, llegaste?".
- Tan dulce.

- To give you some TMI, our father and RM's father are best friends.
- They're pretty close.
- The two of them. The two of them...They meet as often as I meet RM.We're together for about 360 days of the year. And I think that's the case with our fathers too.
- How did they get to be so close? Are they alike?
-They used to live right next to each other.
- Yes.
- Yes. - Neighbors.
- They were neighbors.
- In their generation...
- Back then, when we were going
back to our dorms, my mother and your mother would be taking walks.  She'd be like, "Hi Jin".
- So sweet.

- 저희 아버지랑 좀 TMI를 발설하자면
저희 아버지랑 남준이 아버지랑 베프예요
- 좀 친해요
-둘이서, 둘이서래, 두 분이서 진짜 저랑, 제가 남준이 만나는 것만큼 만나요 저희 365일 중에 한 360일 같이 있거든요 저희 아버지들도 그런 것 같아요
- 아니, 어떻게 친한 거지? 성향이 맞나?
-그때 그, 부모님들이 이렇게 서로 옆 동에 사셨었잖아
- 그렇지
- 응 - 이웃
- 이웃이었지
- 약간 부모님 세대에는 좀 약간 숙소 돌아갈 때 막 이렇게 가다 보면 옛날 시절에 너희 어머니랑 우리 어머니랑 산책하고 계시고  "진이 왔니?"이러면서
- 훈훈하네요


Agosto 2020:
Artículo de la prensa coreana reseñando la casa de Jungkook en Itaewon dice que la casa al lado de la casa de Jungkook está actualmente en construcción, y aunque ha pasado bastante tiempo desde que Jungkook compró la casa, la casa de Jungkook no ha tenido cambios. El estado de la carretera es lo suficientemente bueno como para que dos autos se eviten entre sí.  Hay muchas casas grandes de lujo, incluida la embajada de Kuwait, en los alrededores, por lo que solo ocasionalmente se pueden ver autos yendo y viniendo y rara vez personas.  La cerca es alta, por lo que ni la casa ni el patio se pueden ver desde el exterior.

August 2020:
Korean media article reviews Jungkook's house in Itaewon says that the house next to Jungkook's house is currently under construction, and although it has been quite a while since Jungkook bought the house, Jungkook's house remains the same.  The road condition is good enough for two cars to avoid each other.  There are many large luxury houses, including the Kuwaiti embassy, ​​in the vicinity, so only occasionally you can see cars coming and going and rarely people.  The fence is high, so neither the house nor the yard can be seen from the outside.


BTS's dorm (HannamTheHill) was recently seen in BTS's "Life Goes On" music video:

Living Room / Dining Room

capture from BTS Life Goes On MV music video. BTS inside their dorm in HannanTheHill in the living room sitting on the sofa

capture from BTS Life Goes On MV music video. BTS inside their dorm in HannanTheHill in the living room sitting on the sofa. dining room's lamp in a red circle

Master room

BTS dorm in Hannam The Hill. Captures from Life Goes On music video mv

split photo. 1. capture from BTS Life Goes On MV music video. Jungkook in Jimin and J-Hope room in Hannam The Hill standing by the window
Looking out the jimin room window. Capture from show Bon Boyage. Jimin and J-Hope in their room

The video of BTS reacting to their GRAMMY nomination:

Jungkook and Jimin v-live:

capture from live show. Jimin and Jungkook. Hand emoji pointing the fridge


BTS confirmed in their official content "BREAK THE SILENCE: THE MOVIE, PERSONA [Commentary]" that it was filmed in their dorm. There, too, the members also confirmed that the photo uploaded to BTS's official account was taken in their dorm.

Jin Birthday Live 2020-12-04 18:26 KST

Today... Oh, that's right. What did I do today? Can I say this?
We recorded something today. That's why I have the hair and make-up done and look so handsome now.
Just now, someone asked if I just got up. I did just get up.
Where we filmed was quite far away from here. So I took a nap in the car.
Also, we finished shooting something at around 10 PM last night.
And we had to leave for today's schedule at 5 AM.
So, I didn't get enough sleep last night which is why I feel a bit drowsy now.


오늘.. 어 맞어 오늘 뭐했냐면, 얘기해도 되나? 저희 뭐 녹화, 녹화 하나 하고 왔는데. 어 그래가지구 지금 메이크업이랑 헤어, [안들림] 잘생긴겁니다.
어 방금 저보고 자다 일어났냐고 물어보셨는데 자다 일어났습니다!
거기 촬영장에서 여기까지 거리가 멀더라구요. 차에서 좀 잤습니다.
그리고, 어제 녹화가 한 10시... 10시쯤에 끝났는데 오늘 출발이 5시였던것 같아요.
그래가지구 잠을 못자가지구 비몽사몽 합니다!


Usually, if we didn't have anything going on, the rest of the members would stop by, and say, "Happy birthday, Jin"!
But, today... I had to leave the set early to do this VLIVE for my birthday. I'm actually hoping that there will be a surprise visit by the guys... But actually, we already had my birthday celebration on the set earlier today.

Guys, if you're going to stop by, please hurry up. But, I know that as much as I'm tired, everyone else, the rest of the guys are tired, too.

Also, I left the set earlier than them.


아 보통 일이 없었으면 우리 멤버들 와가지구 '진형 생일축하해요~' 이러면서 했을텐데, 제가 또 이 생일 브이앱 한다고 먼저 와버려가지구 저는 또 뭐 갑작스럽게!

우리 멤버들이 들어올거라고 어... 생각을 쪼끔 갖고있는데

근데 사실 아까 촬영장에서 벌써 한번 했어요.생일파티를.깜짝 생일 파티를. 저 이렇게 그냥 서가지구 핸드폰 하고 있었는데 갑자기 막 불이 꺼지고 역시나 아니나 다를까, 이러고 이제 애들이 들어와가지구

감동도 받고 해가지구 사실..
올거면 빨리 와줘 얘더라...
하지만, 제가 피곤한 만 모든 멤버들도 피곤하다는 사실!

그리고 제가 먼저 왔다는 사실!


I told this to the BTS members before 1 AM last night, before I fell asleep. "I waited until 1 AM but no one's sent me messages," I said.

Last night, after finishing work at such a late hour, I should've gone to bed because I was so tired.

But instead, I stayed up until 1 AM, just in case. Just in case! Just in case people might send me birthday wishes.

I stayed up until 1 AM waiting.

I got 6 messages. One from my mom, my brother, j-hope and two other members, my long-time buddy, and a staff member from our office.

I waited until 1 AM but I didn't get that many messages!


제가 어제 일이 늦게 끝나고, 너무 피곤해가지고 자야되는데 혹시 몰라서 새벽 1시까지 기다렸어요. 저한테 축하한다는 연락들이 오지 않을까..싶어가지구

혹시 몰라가지구 새벽 1시까지 기다렸는데,

한 여섯개가 왔어요. 어 저희 엄마랑, 또.. 형한테도 왔고 호비랑, 멤버 두명 정도랑 동네 친구.. 그리고 뭐 회사 분 한 분. 그렇게 왔는데.

제가 그래서 1시까지 기다렸는데 몇개 안온거예요.


Jimin... gosh. I have up to "Bighit Park Jimin #5".

Jimin, where are you?

Are you almost here? Dorm?

Almost here?

So, I should wait?


You can't make it?

Of course, of course. Hold on, let me put you on speakerphone.

Jimin:  Yo!
Jin: Yo, yo. Jimin. Great. Now talk.

Jimin: You're calling me like this without any heads-up?
I'm with Jungkook now.

Jin: Are you guys on your way in the official car?


어이고 지민아~ 어디야ㅑ 어디야. 다 왔지숙소?

어 다와가?

형 기다리면 돼?

아~ 오케오케.


맞지 맞지. 어 잠깐만, 내가 스피커 폰 해볼게.

지민: Yo! 진: Yo, 어~ 지민이 좋아 조아 얘기해봐.

지민: 아니 이렇게 얘기도 없 갑자기 전화한다고?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
정국이랑 같이 타고있어요.

진: 아 긍까 지금 오고 있어?


Suga Vlive 2020-05-29 00:12 KST

네 여기 숙소 방입니다

"Are you in your room?".
Yes, I'm in my room at the dorm.


RUN BTS ep 125 (2021-01-19)

BTS's dorm referenced in other official BTS content:

Bring the Soul: The Movie (2019)

진: "제일 괴로운 점은 그겁니다. 한국에 있을 때는 배가 고픕니다. 그러면 집이나 숙소에 있을테니까 내가 챙겨야 할 때 음식 먹으면 되고, 음식이 없으면 밖에 나가서 슈퍼라든지 편의점에 나가서 먹으면 되는데 해외에서는 그게 안돼요. 호텔 밖으로 나가면 경호 형님들도 부르고 매니저 형님들도 부르고 해야 되니까 죄송한 감정에...그런 점이 힘들죠"

Jin: "This is the hardest thing. Say I'm in Korea and I'm getting hungry. I just eat whatever food is at home or in our dorm / accommodations. I can just grab something easily. If there's nothing at home, then I can go to a grocery store or a convenience store and eat. But that becomes difficult when I'm overseas. If I want to leave the hotel, it means the security will have to escort me. Our manager needs to come along. I feel bad for the hassle. I think that's what I find tough."


BTS talking about the dorm


Behind scenes of T1 x BTS 

In the behind-the-scenes uploaded to the official channel of T1 on Youtube of the filming of the episode of RUN BTS that had as guests pro-gamers T1 when EFFORT of T1 tells Jin that he saw the episodes of RUN BTS where Jin cooked, Jin invited EFFORT to the dorm to cook for him.


RUN BTS ep 97 (2020-03-24)

Suga: It's hard to get delivery in our apartment.

Suga: Right? J-Hope: Yes. Jin: Yes.

Suga: So there's not a lot to choose from. Jin: Yes.

Suga: There aren't that many things to order in Hannam-dong. - Jin: Yeah.

[Q] What was the last take out food that SUGA ordered?


[They're surprised at the difficult question] RM: Wait. Shouldn't you at least give us the category?

Suga: Remind yourselves that we live in Hannam-dong. There isn't that much we can order.

J-Hope: Not that. At our apartment we can't get that.

RM: I don't know this one. - 1, 2, 3!

BTS: Isn't it chicken? BTS: Isn't it sushi? BTS: I don't think we can get sushi. BTS: Nope.

Suga: Halal food.


우리 숙소가 배달 음식이 잘 안 돼

- 그치? - 네 - 그렇죠

[이번에도 서로 잘 알 것 같은 문제?] - 몇 개 없잖아요 배달 되는 것들이 - 그렇죠

- 한남동에 그렇게 많지가 않잖아 - 그렇지

[Q] 슈가가 마지막으로 시켜 먹은 배달 음식은?

이거 잠깐만

[너무 어려운 문제에 당황한 멤버들] 잠깐만

- 이걸 맞히라고? - 대충 장르라도 알려줘야 하는 거 아닌가?

우리 한남동이라는 걸 생각을 한번 해봐요

우리 뭐... 많이 시켜 먹을 수 있는 게 없는데

그거는 안 되는데

- 그거는... - 숙소에서 - 그러게? - 그게 안 돼

- 모르겠다, 이거 - 하나, 둘, 셋!

치킨 아니야?

- 세꼬시 아니야? - 세꼬시 안 되지 않아? - 아닙니다

할랄 푸드입니다

[상상도 못한 정답] 이거는...

RUN BTS EP 137 2021.04.13
